Ansar VDP Exam Result 2023: 3rd class thana/upazila training and trainer written examination will be held 14 January 2023 at 2:30 to 4:00 PM, the exam will be held in Dhaka City.
Now, looking for the Bangladesh Ansar VDP recruitment test examination result? The authorities are expecting the date of the result, if you want to know the updated information related to the result then visit the official page.
Bangladesh Ansar and Village Defense Party VPD is a paramilitary force in Bangladesh that is primarily responsible for maintaining internal security and law enforcement in rural areas. The organization is composed of both Ansar and VDP members.
Table of Contents
Ansar VDP Exam Result 2023
Bangladesh ansar vdp examinations are completed in three steps. Those who pass in the practical examination, they are considered for the next level of the written exam.So, the ansar vdp 3rd class thana/upazila trainer written examination date is fixed by the authority. The authority may have the result will be released within 01 weeks.
So, the Bangladesh ansar vdp is a great opportunity for the jobless people. Each year a large number of people are appointed in this sector. Using the roll number enter download the result of ansar vdp of bangladesh.
If you have no idea how to download the result then following the below heading, they mention all necessary information about bangladesh ansar vdp result 2023 regarding.
How to Know: Result 2023
Few days ago, the authorities announced the selected list of primary level/physical test examination results. Now, the examiner is waiting for the written exam result of ansar vdp.
from different districts are participating in the exam located in the dhaka varies institute.
The result can be viewed from official site using the roll number. But, all applicants don’t know the right steps for the examination result. In order to under rules follow to, you can download the result, following to under rules:-

- Official link enter-
- Like the section of the Notice board.
- Now, review the new notice.
- Download the PDF file and find your result using the roll number provided.
General Ansar Written Exam Result 2023
From the 17 districts of Bangladesh the exam will be held in a different institute of Dhaka city. Now, each examiner is looking for the general ansar vdp exam result 2023 PDF download.
The applicant downloads the result from the portal. Using roll number, download the ansar vdp written exam result 2023. Who the applicant passes in the step. They are considered the final step of viva.র্ Exam Result 2023
The Bangladesh Ansar and Village Defense Party- conducts regular exams for recruitment held some days ago. The exam results for these recruitment exams are usually published on the official website of the Bangladesh Ansar and VDP.
To check the result, candidates need to visit the official website of the Ansar and VDP and look for the result section. They will have to provide their roll number or other personal details to access their result.
The organization may update their website or the method of checking the result. So, it’s important to stay updated with the latest information and instructions provided by the organization.