Online Train Ticket 2022: Bangladesh Railway Eticket: official website can be purchased online Eticket of Bangladesh Railway. Now, The people creating profiles can purchase railway tickets online. domain name transfer is e Those who passengers of railway, they can through online purchased ticket.Today on26 March 2022 railway online ticket selling railway new site- e ticket bangladesh railway.
Bangladesh Railway tickets can be collected online & directly at the Bangladesh railway office and detailed information shown in the online ticket such as- Class Name, Coach Name, Seat Range, No of Seats, date & time, name & total fee.
Bangladesh Railway authority sells the ticket online and offline. The passengers can book the ticket online and are able to ticket online and email system collection.
Bangladesh Railway Eticket-
Bangladesh Railway Official Website is releasing online train tickets. The passengers can be purchased from
Bangladesh Railway Online Train Ticket Registration alternative site will be start from 26 March 2022. online registration before the server is closed.
For Bangladesh online ticket the passenger first registration complete and by login mobile number and password entry can be bd online railway eticket.
How to railway gov bd registration esheba?
Bangladesh Railway tickets collect two processes (Online and Directly Railway Counter). Collecting Bangladesh Railway Eticket from the counter is a difficult task. So, othernative option is an online system.
Go to visit- creating the profile (Name, Email, Mobile Number, Password, NID, location) provided and by login can collect railway tickets online. Bangladesh Railway online train ticket registration system is given below:-
- Go to visit railway esheba website-
- If you not registration then (Create Profile) or Login
- You provide information (Name, Email, Mobile No, NID, Password)
- Click to Submit Option
- Enter Otp Number (Sent to Otp Registration Mobile Number or Email)
- Now, Click to Login Option.
- Now, purchase the ticket with pay the fee mobile banking
- Successfully purchase ticket (10-30 minute sent to official website and email id)

Online Train Ticket- Eticket
Eticket government officials released a new system. This server development and maintenance Shohoz Synesis Vincent. Now, the passengers at home (mobile, pc, tabtop or other device) with internet use can make railway ticket booking. Bangladesh All train reservation system is system.
Bangladesh Railway ticket server is active now. Now, The passengers can collect tickets by e One of the advantages of buying a railway ticket is that the candidate can buy a ticket by looking at the seat plan here.
One of the most comfortable travels for the people of Bangladesh is by train and it is possible to travel by train at very low cost and the government of Bangladesh has made Bangladesh Railway Eticket fully free for the students.