BBS Exam Result 2022: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics exam result for the different positions will published on 02 December 2022. The exam result can be downloaded from website. is uploading examination results of all types. The result can be found on the check notice board of official site. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics is one of the largest organizations in our country.
Now, for them working activities running eligible candidates are needed. So, new job circular is published. BBS exam result published today.
Eligible candidates about the result will be notified by registration mobile number from the authority also available at official website.
BBS GOV BD Website will publish the result 2022. Applicants use the roll number to find the result. Now, candidates check the result on the official website as well as our website.
Those who are selected in the MCQ Exam test, participate in the written exam test. The authority to know the written exam date through the official website from the notice board and also sent to the mobile number.
Applicable candidates online application form submit was 16 July 2020 to 15 Sep 2020. The vacancy of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics of eligible & qualified candidates has applied for it.
BBS Result 2022
Long time candidates wait for the exam. The authority of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics result released on their official website-
In case of eligible & qualified candidates online application form submit position these are- Senior Architecture, Statistics Assistant, Junior Statistics Assistant, Stenographer cum computer operator, Designer, Enumerator, Editing and Coding Assistant, Accountant
Steno-typist cum computer operator , Compositor , Junior Designer, Electrician , Dual Data Operator, Office Assistant cum computer typist, Data Entry/Control Operator , Driver, Assistant Store Keeper, Machine man, Proof Man, Chain Man , Office Assistant.
Who passed the MCQ exam. The Viva exam is very important. Candidates are very upset about this. Whoever passed the Viva exam receives a congratulation letter from the authorities for joining the job.
BBS Result 2022
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics of exam management committee exam result sent to their official website – Basically, After the exam candidates will be found for 7-15 days.
Who participated in the exam among the eligible list published their official website. Candidates follow to their official website as well as our website available.
- Organization: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
- Job Type: Result
- Total Vacancy: 715
- Application Start Date: 16- July- 2020
- Closing Date: 15-Sep-2020
- Application System: Online
- Apply Link-
- Total Exam time: 1 hours
- Exam Location: Dhaka
- Total Marks: 70
- Exam System: MCQ
- Result Released Date: 07 November 2021
- Result published:
Candidates wo step must be passed. 1st, Candidates must be MCQ are selected to forward the written test. Applicants can get the exam result using roll number form admit card on
How to Download BBS Result-
Many applicable candidates cannot download the results I told him that the checking system is very simple. Just follow to below instruction:-
- official link enter.
- Now, check the recent notice board.
- Download the pdf file written/mcq exam.
- Roll number using can find the result.

BBS Job Circular 2022
BBS new job circular will be released. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics job circular all description found on their official website. Teletalk Application submission date start: 16- July- 2020 and closing date: 15-Sep-2020. Candidates application form submit teletalk website-
BBS has published a new job circular from authority for employment/unemployment people. It’s hot news for them. Qualified candidates are able to online application form fill up & through
It is a very interesting BBS job circular for the people in Bangladesh. This type of category job matches your goals. Then, please follow terms & conditions: these are- academic qualification, age limit & other requirement information.
Application Form
If eligible & interested candidates application form Online. They can submit an application form Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics teletalk server- The application form must be submitted within the stipulated time. So, follow the instructions below.
- First, Go to visit to:
- Then, Select post & click the post.
- Input your mandatory field information such as {Name, Fathers, Mothers, Date of Birth, Religion, Nationality, National Id Card / Birth Registration No (If there is Freedom Fighter), present & permanent Address, personal mobile no, Educational Qualification etc.
- Click to Next Step Option
- Upload Recent Photo maximum image size 100 Kg ((300×300) pixel
- Signature size (300×80) pixel maximum image size 60 Kg.
- Review all Information is checked. Because If you give any wrong information, the authority the Application will want to reject.
- Save and Color Print A4 Size Paper (that It will be need future)

Conclusion: You can report any jobs related any question to known below comment box. We try to every time Google update new all job circular and admission news published such as: Government job, Bank Job, Private Job, Admission etc. So, every time connected with in our website.