CAAB Job Circular: new job notice has been published yet on official website. If you know all description found of Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh job circular related then go to visit or
Caab application form fill up submission date from: 11 January 2022 and continue: 30 January 2022 as well as visit to our website:
Already has been published CAAB Job Circular with different category post and lot of vacancy from by authority for unemployment/employment people in our country.
It is a job founder for hot news and opportunity job circular & qualified candidates have able to online application form fill up& through within the allotted time.
Table of Contents
CAAB Job Circular 2022
It is a very popular and attractive job circular for the job seeks in our country. It is a fully government sector job. Even, this section benefits government employees are increasing day by day.
This reason, people are jumping behind government jobs. The government jobs to be a highly career and better life & future in our country. Every wants to this category job but job limitation is limit.
It is very interest CAAB Job Circular for the people in Bangladesh. It is blessing for job finders & very facilities for them. This type of category job matches your goals. Then, you can all details check such as: academic qualification, age limit & other information
Whatever Eligible and interested candidates also apply to the CAAB Job Circular 2022 and you think you are right candidate for this post then you can apply as soon as possible before it expires.
CAAB Job Circular
If you interest this circular you can take a look at under CAAB job circular 2022. Then, First you should have all details information checked which is given below in the image file. So, carefully & slowly read the image file.
If you application candidates then, I told this right place easily you can know job related all information such as: Circular, How to Online Application form fill up, Payment Process & other requirement all information found here. So, full details check about below instruction:-
- Organization Name: Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh
- Job Title: Government
- Job Type: Permanent
- Job Location: Anywhere in Bangladesh
- Educational Qualification: see the circular
- Age limit: 18-30 Years
- Salary : see the circular
- Category: 13
- Application process: Post Office
Post Name and Vacancy
- Special Inspector(Senior Flight Operations Inspector) -03
- Special Inspector (SMS) -01
- Special Inspector (Aviation Public Health) – 01
- Special Inspector(Operation-AT) – 02
- Aviation – 01
- Special Inspector (Personal Licensing)- 01
- Special Inspector(Operation-PEL)- 02
- Special Inspector(Operation-AIR)- 02

Circular- 01
Group 1
- Assistant Director(Law)
- Procurement Officer
- Economist/Air Transportation Officer (Economics)
- Flight Operation Inspector
- Instructor (Security)
- Inspector (Ops)
- Assistant Architect
- Assistant Engineer(Civil)
- Assistant Engineer(E/M)
- Data Entry Operator
- Office Assistant Cum-Computer Typist
- Pump Driver and Pump Mistry
- Trollyman
Group 2
- Medical Officer
- Inspector/Inspector(AELD)
- Airwardiness Inspector(Aerospace)
- Airwardiness Inspector(Avionics)
- Aerodrome Assistant
- Assistant Communication Officer(Phones)
- Airport Fire Leader
- Wireman
- Lounge Room Attandent
- Motor Transport Cleaner
Group 3
- Programmer
- Senior Officer
- Physical Trainer
- Assiatant Security Officer
- Assistant Physical Trainer
- Surveyor
- Muazzin
- M.L.S.S
- Belder
- Mali
- Cleaner
Group 4
- Senior Systems Analyst
- ANS Inspector(ATM)
- Assistant Programmer
- Security Officer
- Radio Technician
- Foreman(Civil)
- Assistant Radio Technician/Teleprinter Mechanic
- MastLaskar
- Junior Security Operator
Circular – 02
Group 5
- Aerodrome Officer(ATM)
- Instructor(ATM)
- Sub-Assistant Engineer(E/M)
- Sub-Assistant Engineer(Civil)
- Information Supervisor(Female)
- Information Assistant(Female)
- Estate Inspector
- Horticulture Inspector
- Sanitary Inspector
- Librarian
- Accounts Assistant
- Store Keeper
- Aircraft Marshelar
- Electrician
- Boarding Bridge Operator
- Bird Shooter
- Security Guard
Group 6
- Systems Analyst
- Aerodrome Officer(ATM:ATCO)
- Instructor(Fire)
- Inspector(ATC)
- Inspector(Dangerous Goods and Ground Handling)
- Inspector(Aerodrome)
- Inspector(Aerodrome/AGA)
- Assistant Store Officer
- Assistant Accounts Officer/Assistant Audit Officer
- Motor Transport Fitter Driver
- Airport Fire Operator
Group 7
- Senior Programmer
- Air Transportation Officer
- ANS Inspector(CNS)
- Assistant Maintenance Engineer
- Gas Technician
- Assistant Draftsman
- Conveyor Belt Operator/Conveyor Operator
- Bataryman
- Surveyor Assistant
- Radio Cleaner
Group 8
- Instructor(CNS)
- Instructor(English Language)
- CNS Engineer
- Air Trasportation Officer(Statistics)
- Rater(Aviation English)
- Accountant
- Fire Supervisor
- Security Operator
- Driver/Motor Transport Driver
- Storeman
- Despatch Rider
- Traffic Hand
Group 9
- Maintenance Engineer
- Accounts Officer/Audit Officer
- Instructor(FS&R)
- ANS Inspector(Search and Rescue)/ANS Inspector(Pans-Ops)
- ANS Inspector(Met)
- Senior Cartographer
- UDA/UDA(Bench Assistant)
- Draftsman/Draftsman cum Cad Operator
- Medical Assistant
- Imam
- Purohit
- Telephone Operator
- Assistant Operator
Group 10
- Assistant Director(Avsec Ops)
- ANS Inspector(AIS)/ANS Inspector(Maps and Chart)
- Technical Assistant
- Security Supervisor
- Motor Mechanic
- Engine Driver
- Auto Electrician
- Fitter Mechanic
- Armed Security Guard
Total Vacancy: 1604
- Online Application Submission Date: 23 May 2021
- Closing Date: 20 June 2021
- Official website:
- Apply Link:

Circular 02

CAAB new job circular

CAAB Job circular 2022 PDF
Most of job founder Google Search at Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh Job Circular PDF Download. You know that any government job circular is given in PDF Format. But Many of Candidates to don’t know how to download PDF file Download & collecting System. It is very important for every candidate because all details found PDF File. It is download system very easy. You can download it from their official website available: and our website through easily it download. The download link is given below.
CAAB Job Circular- 01 PDF File Download 2022 Click here
CAAB Job Circular- 02 PDF File Download 2022 Click here
CAAB Teletalk Application Form
Many job seekers don’t know the online application form fill up. Then, this causes many times a lot of suffering for them. So, many candidates in Google Search to How CAAB Job Circular Online Application form fill up. If you have question, then this article for you. Here, you can learn all the processes to apply. It is a simple way.
If you want you can do it yourself. I want to give you my best suggestion. Before applying you should read and know this about circular such as: Academic Qualification, Requirement and other information follow. Then prepare to apply later. Applications are invited for Bangladesh Citizen. Eligible & Interested candidates can through CAAB online application form fill up. However, follow to below instruction:
- First, Go to visit to CAAB Official website:
- Then, Select your desired post & click to “apply now” option
- Fill up your required information such as {Name, Fathers, Mothers, Date of Birth, Religion, Nationality, National Id Card / Birth Registration No/Passport, Quota (If there is Freedom Fighter & Other Quota), Present and Permanent Address (Village, Post Office, Post Code, Thana, District), Personal Mobile No and Educational Qualification etc. (N.B: In the case of women: If you married, the permanent address should be show husband address )
- Then, Click the Next Step
- Upload Recent Picture (300×300) pixel maximum image size 100 KB & Signature size (300×80) pixel maximum image size 60 KB by the scan copy.
- Your all Information is checked. If you give any wrong information, the authority the Application will want to reject (N.B: The application forms carefully fill up. A little mistake can cause you to lose your desired job. so that there is no mistake)Then, Click the Submit
- Save and Color Print out A4 Size Paper (that It will be need future)
Payment Process
Successfully submitting your application before you should recheck your application form because if you submit to application payment then, there will be no chance of correction. However, you have to apply to get a USER ID. Then pay the application fee using the USER ID. Application fee must be paid otherwise the application will be rejected.
After applying the application form should be paid Application fees within 72 hours. The application fee must be paid through Teletalk SIM. So, check your balance; According to the circular, there must be sufficient amount of balance. How to pay application fee. Below are the complete guidelines so let go:
First Message (1st Step)
- Go to the Message Option your mobile or Modem
- Create a New Message
- CAAB <SPACE> USER ID & Sent to it 16222
- Example: CAAB ABCDEF & Send to it 16222
- After send the first SMS you will receive a PIN number. You also see a Pin Number with name and post name.
- Pin number using 2nd Message
Second SMS (2nd Step)
- CAAB <SPACE> YES <PIN NUMBER> & Send to it 16222
- CAAB YES 123456 & Send to it 16222
After successfully sending the message, you give congratulation message from by authority. There are you can display USER ID & Password. You should User Id & Password keep note because which can delete the message different reason which can cause a lot of suffering. This User ID & Password using for admit card download later.
CAAB User ID & Password Recover
Many candidates lost their user id & password for various reasons. For them to know it is very important. It is very simple. So, do not worry, you can recover USER & Password very easily. So, follow to below instruction:
Recover User ID:
- Go to the visit their official page:
- Click to “Recover User Id” Option
- Input your (Name, Father’s Name, Mobile No) (Which have been used application time)
- You the correct Information provide you will be able to see USER ID.
Recover Password:
- Go to the visit their official page:
- Click to Password Recover Option
- Input Your User ID & Mobile Number (if you can see application copy)
- If you provide the correct Information you will be able to display Password.
Conclusion: You can report any jobs related any question to known below comment box. We try to every time Google update new all job circular and admission news published such as: Government job, Bank Job, Private Job, Admission etc. So, every time connected with in our website.