NU Students Covid Vaccine Tika Registration – National University authority has issued a new notice to all students registration for Vaccine Registration. All students studying under the National University must be registration for this Covid- 19 Vaccine.
Under National University all students can register through web portal website. Now, this server is active and the application closing date- 21th September 2021.
All colleges under National University of students, teachers & employment data to be sent are called the authority.
All types of students complete this application online. They need course registration number, national identity card, mobile number & other necessary information for the registration.
The previous nu students vaccine Registration is closed 13 July, 2021 but national university many students do not COVID registration form fill up. So national university authority the time increases 19 July 2021. Full Details check their official website – website.

National University Vaccine Registration Duration Increase notice
In order to National University, Gazipur epidemic Covid-19 and to avoid health risk. The national University all colleges/universities studying students covid- 19 vaccine registration time increase on 21 September 2021 .
NU Student Covid Vaccine Tika Registration
You know that, the national university has been closed for a long time because of the corona virus. The situation is not getting normal in any way. Therefore, the authorities have issued notices to all the students with Involved in education to give corona vaccine.
From the government has been decided under national University students, teachers with involved employer cover in the registration for covid- 19 vaccine .
NU Tika Registration Eligibility
Under the National University among them is question who can apply for the Registration. Speaking for them Graduate & post Graduate level all students will be able to apply such as- Degree (Pass Course), Hon’s, Masters, , Professionals, Ph.D., MPhil, Private, Certificate Course.
You need for registration
- Registration Number which you can see Registration Card
- National ID Card (NID) or Birth Registration Certificate
- Valid Mobile Number
- Other Requiring Information.