Degree 1st Year Result 2023: The National University officially new notice has been published nu result 2023 degree 1st year. The students are eagerly waiting for the result. and official links upload the result published date & time.
On 19th July 2023 will be published the National University Degree First Semester Examination exam result. 8:00 PM After the National University will release the results.
so that you can download the national university degree first year course result easily and quickly. At this, including the section below, all necessary data. Follow to below instruction:-
Degree 1st Year Result 2023
This year national university degree first year students pass are high compared to previous year results. The pass rate 87.78%, showcasing the dedication and hard work of students.
Whatever, the students are finding the result from an online portal. The students provide roll number, registration number with passing year download the result from link.
In addition, you can also download the or section of result .The online release of the results ensures easy and immediate access for students across the nation.
Checking Process: Degree 1st Year Result 2021
The national university degree first year examination result 2020-21 has been published soon. To get the full marksheet the national university result link-
Focus keyword in the google that “Degree 1st year result 2023” for the result checking. Additionally, most students don’t know the download process.
So, below step for you, here we explain all the detailed information regarding degree first year marksheet checking. Scroll down, you can easily and fastest ways download the result.

- Go to access the national university official link-
- you will find a “Results” section or a link for “Degree 1st Year.” Click on the relevant link to proceed
- After clicking on the link, you will see a new page including your “Roll Number” and “Registration Number.”
- Then, passing year input.
- Solve the Verification Code
- Finally, click the “Search Result” option.
SMS Method:
You can also download the degree first year examination result by sms. Some of guideline following, you can view the result easily and quickly. Just follow to below procedure;-
NU<Space>Course Name Short 3 Digit<Space>Roll<Space>Passing Year and sent it- 16222 Number.
Example: NU DEG 234224 2021 and send it- 16222
Conclusion: The National University “Degree 1st Year Result 2023” related any information shared with you below the comment box. Thanks & regards for visiting our site-