DSHE Exam Result 2023: DSHE GOV BD “Office Assistant Cum-Computer Typist” exam will be held on 12 May 2023. Now, the applicant exam result will be declared early. The DSHE examination result can be found from the official link notice board – Dshe.gov.bd.
The examiner of the “office assistant and computer typist” is eagerly waiting for the result for a long time? Dshe.gov.bd not fixed exam result publication date. Probably, vern soon updated the result.
dshe.gov.bd exam Result 2023 will be published early on official source. The Directorate of Secondary & Higher Education exam result is uploaded after the exam paper evaluation answer. Those who involved candidates are looking for the dshe exam Result 2023.
DSHE Result 2023 is declared based on the performance of each candidate in the exam. We congratulate all the successful candidates who have achieved positive outcomes in the DSHE Exam 2023. Surely something good is waiting for you. In this case, you can easily download your results through our website. Applicant download the on our website just scroll down-
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DSHE Result 2023
Now, the “dshe.gov.bd exam result” on the official website officially is not fixed. Probably exam results will be released in the update database very soon. The applicants are eagerly waiting for the result for a long time. A large number of candidates will participate in the exam.
Now, They are waiting for the DSHE Exam Result. Whatever If you know update information job related then visit official website as well as our website available.
Demonstrator’s result office assistant will be published very soon. In addition, eligible candidates get notified through registered mobile numbers by SMS.
Those who participated in the MCQ exam test for a different position, So, the authority exam test result will be published based on evaluation. At last, The authority is uploading the result PDF format.
DSHE GOV BD Result 2023
Directorate Of Secondary & Higher Education exam results can be downloaded on official website- dshe.gov.bd. Examiner waits for the exam result.
The Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education is one of the largest organizations in our country. Everyone wants this section job but job limitation is limited.
After the evaluation, the authority dshe.gov.bd database website will upload the DSHE result PDF 2023. Now candidates to find on our website.
DSHE Preliminary Exam Result 2023
DSHE Result 2023 office assistant Cum Computer Typist will be released early through dshe.gov.bd. Applicant can download the exam Result 2023, anyone can download the result on our website- jobnewsbd24.com.
The exam will be held on 12 May 2023 examination (General Knowledge, Mathematics, English, Bangla) at 70 MCQ Marks MCQ Question, time 1 hour.
Candidates who pass in the preliminary exam test, they participate in the written exam. At last, through the viva pass, they can be congratulated in their department.
The Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education job circular, a large number of candidates online application form fill up and participate in the exam test and all candidates waiting for the result.
Dshe Office Assistant Cum Computer Typist Result 2023
All exam results have been published at dshe.gov.bd website. Eligible and qualified candidate’s online application form fill up was started on 01-Nov-20 to be continued 30-Nov-20 large of vacancy total 4032.
Candidates need a pdf reader and find the result using admit card roll number. The exam test result was published online from an official site and daily newspaper.
After the evaluation answer, complete the authority exam result published on their official website. Many candidates are very upset about the result (pass or fail).
Organization Name | : | Directorate Of Secondary & Higher Education |
Short Code | : | DSHE |
Position Name | : | office assistant cum computer typist |
Result Published Date | : | Very Soon Published |
Official link | : | dshe.gov.bd |
How to download DSHE Exam Result 2023?
Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE) exam results show that most candidates don’t know the proper step. dshe.gov.bd website has published the result.
Dshe.gov.bd exam results for the position Office Assistant Cum-Computer Typist and cum computer operator typist will be updated early.
Everyone who is an examiner of dshe is waiting for the exam test Result 2023 of dshe. Those who apply for dshe can verify the result- dshe.gov.bd or keep note on our website, short time can be found the result.Please follow below procedure, you can do it. Let’ go-
- In the address bar, type “dshe.gov.bd” with press Enter.
- DSHE website, locate the “Notices” or “Results” section.
- “Find out results” dshe result “office assistant cum computer typist”.
- A new page will appear displaying the DSHE exam results.
- To download the result, look for the PDF file link or button provided on the page. Click on it to initiate the download.
- Save the PDF file to your desired location on your device.
- Open the downloaded PDF file using a PDF reader or viewer application.
- Inside the PDF file, use the search function (usually denoted by a magnifying glass icon) or press Ctrl+F (or Command+F on Mac) to open the search bar.
- Enter your roll number, which can be found on your admit card or registration form, into the search bar.
- The search function will locate and highlight your roll number in the document, indicating your exam result.
DSHE exam management committee result has been published dshe result pdf format. It is difficult for many candidates. So, this format converts the jpeg format.
Those who pass in the MCQ exam, they can participate in the written exam test. Candidates of all types result check on the official website in addition through downloading it.
DSHE Result 2023
Now, Candidates wait for the result. dshe.gov.bd is published Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE) results have been published in PDF format in their official website.
Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education – DSHE Preliminary who participated in the exam their result may be published very soon in their official website or as well as from our website visit regularly all information update here.
- Organization: Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE)
- Category: Result
- Total Vacancy position: 4032
- Online Application Date: 01-November-20
- Closing Date: 30-November-20
- Application System: Online
- Apply Link- dshe.teletalk.com.bd
- Total Exam time: 1 hour
- Exam Location: Dhaka
- Total Marks: 70
- Exam Method: Preliminary
- Result published: dshe.gov.bd
Dshe Admit Card 2023
DSHE Admit Card 2023: dshe.teletalk.com.bd admit card has been published yet for the department of Directorate of secondary and higher education (DSHE). The post of office Assistant Cum Computer Typist exam date and Admit Card of dshe.
To download Dshe.gov.bd is the section of admit card, who applies online for the position of office assistant cum-computer typist. Registration mobile number will be a message for the exam admit card download.
Office Assistant Cum Computer Typist Exam Admit Card 2023 of dshe has been published dshe teletalk website. Recently, dshe new notice has been declared the authority for the exam.
Dshe Admit Card 2023 section is uploading. Recently. candidates can download admit cards from online with username and password provided.
Candidates admit card download from dshe.teletalk.com.bd. The application started: November 01, 2020 and end date: November 30, 2020 with pay the application fee.
The Directorate of secondary and higher education- dshe Admit Card 2023 download server is active for the post of office assistant cum-computer typist operator. On 13 April 2022 examination of these positions of computer typist.
The Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education- dshe new notice has been published for the admit card download. Applicants can download admit cards using USER ID & Password.
Office Assistant cum Computer Typist Admit Card 2023
Dshe.teletalk.com.bd admit card section is released exam admit card for the exam. Who applications for these positions, they can download admit cards entering username and password provided.
Organization Name | : | Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education- DSHE |
Category | : | Admit Card |
Application Start Date | : | November 01, 2020 |
Application End Date | : | November 30, 2020 |
Post Name | : | Demonstrator (Physics)Demonstrator (Chemistry)Demonstrator (Biology)Demonstrator (Zoology)Demonstrator (Botany)Demonstrator (Geography)Demonstrator (Soil Science)Demonstrator (Mathematics)Demonstrator (Home Science)Demonstrator (Agriculture)Research Assistant (College)Assistant Librarian cum CataloguerLaboratory AssistantStenographer cum Computer OperatorSteno typist cum Computer OperatorUpper Division AssistantOffice Assistant cum Computer TypistCashier/Store KeeperAccount AssistantCashierStore KeeperMechanic cum ElectricianDriverBook SorterOffice AssistantNight GuardGardenerCleaner |
Exam Date | : | 12 May 2023 |
Download Source | : | Online |
How to Download “DSHE Admit Card”?
download notice Dshe Admit Card 2023 has been published yet. How to download the admit card of dshe? Every applicant questions. Enter your username and password set download Admit Card 2023 of dshe.
- dshe.teletalk.com.bd to visit teletalk website
- Admit Card option
- Enter your User ID and Password
- Click to “Download Admit Card” Option
- Download and Print Out A4 Size Paper.

DHE Admit Card 2023 Download
DSHE Application Form
- dshe.teletalk.com.bd official website enter
- Select your desired post and click here to apply now
- Enter your necessary information.
- Upload Recent Picture size (300×300) should be image size 100 KB & Signature size (300×80) should be image size 100 KB by the scan copy.
- Then, Click the Submit
- Save and Color Print out A4 Size Paper (that It will be need future)
Full Circular Check (Click Here)
Conclusion: You can report any jobs related to any question below the comment box. We try to update every time Google updates all Admit news. So, every time I connected to our website.
Result ki pawa gaca… Kew janle bolo
The results have not been published yet.
result kokhn dibe
Please subscribe push notification option. When the results are published will be notification.
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Result Will be released soon