DU 7 College Admit Card 2022: 7college.du.ac.bd Exam Date has been published on the official website through 7college.du.ac.bd website. The authority admit card was released for the different groups.
Du 7 College seat plan has been published separately. Now, the Examiner can check seat plans affiliated to Dhaka University Seven College online and SMS. Generally the authority seat plan has been published before the admission test 48 hours.
Arts & Social Science, Business Studies, Science Group of admission test date is different. Whatever, collegeadmission.eis.du.ac.bd site is published exam related such as- admit card, seat plan, admission result and exam related terms & condition etc.
Table of Contents
7college.du.ac.bd Admit Card 2022
Under du7college.du.ac.bd admit card & seat plan 2022 are uploaded from the official site. Now, those students want to download admit cards for the exam. They are downloaded from by application login background educational information provided.
Dhaka University Du Honours Admit Card 2022 is uploaded from 7college.du.ac.bd. The seven colleges of Dhaka university admission admit card 2022 can be found here.
Dhaka university 7 college admission exam admit card 2021-22 is pdf can be downloaded from du7college.du.ac.bd. The authority exam admit card is published from 7dhaka university login section.
DU 7 College Admit Card
Dhaka University Seven College Admission test exam is knocking at the door. The authority admit card has been published yet. Now, Candidates need a seat plan for the academic year 2021-22.
Du 7 college admission result 2021-22 is uploaded from 7college.du.ac.bd official site. The Dhaka University seven college honours admission result 2022 can be found- 7college.du.ac.bd.
Students can find seat plans at 7college.du.ac.bd. In addition, From the “Play store” Du 7 college Apps can be downloaded and also seven college exam locations can be found by sending mobile sms to any operator (Banglalink, Robi, Airtel, Teletalk).
How to Know Dhaka University 7 College Seat Plan?
After downloading the admit card students need a seat plan. It is very important for every examiner but many students do not know how to download the seat plan completely. It is a very simple way. Just follow the instructions below, you can do it.
- Go to visit- 7college.du.ac.bd
- Click on the Admission Panel.
- After some time you will be taken to the website- collegeadmission.eis.du.ac.bd.
- Like the login option.
- Enter your SSC and HSC Basic Information (Roll, Board, Passing Year)
- Then, From the dashboard click the Seat Plan Option.
- View the seat plan and if needed print out.

Dhaka University Seven College Seat Plan check through SMS
Generally, Dhaka University Seat Plan has been published before the admission test 72 hours. Now, But many times students have to suffer due to server load. In this situation, the best way for students to view the seat plan is through the medium of message follow to below procedure:-
DU<SPACE>CSC<SPACE>Admission Roll Number and send to 16321.
Example: DU CSC 7105809 and Send to 16321.