Rajshahi University Admit Card 2023: admission.ru.ac.bd is uploading the rajshahi admission admit card 2022-23 early. The students can download admit cards using education information provided (SSC and HSC).
Those whose primary application is selected, they can download rajshahi university admit card 2022-23 from online ru.ac.bd section of admit card. Ru admit card 2022-23 downloading very soon from https://application.ru.ac.bd. All students can’t pass the admission test of rajshahi university.
Name of University | : Rajshahi University |
The Admit Card Download Date From | : 14 May 2023 |
Finished Date | : 18 May 2023 |
Source of Download | : Online |
Download Link | : application.ru.ac.bd |
Rajshahi University Admit Card 2023
Those who selected the primary application and application for the final, they can download admit cards from online. The University of Rajshahi admission test admit card 2022-23 can be downloaded by login with information provided by ssc and hsc provided.
Rajshahi University-www.ru.ac.bd official website is published RU Admission Circular 2023. admission test Circular 2023-23 for the 1st year undergraduate program, more details check from the admission website.
How to apply for an online ru admission test at the following the rules published on the website of Rajshahi University official website. Those who qualify students can submit an application form from the official link- admission.ru.ac.bd.
Those who are eligible applicants are invited for undergraduate program 2022-23 of rajshahi university. On the basis of applicants ssc/hsc examination results selected students can have the opportunity in the admission test.
www.ru.ac.bd- RU Admit Card
Rajshahi University Admission Test Circular notice is declared- ru.ac.bd or admission.ru.ac.bd admission site for the academic year 2022-23.
Those who want to apply for rajshahi university then land in the right place. Easily all detailed information in the short time so, carefully read the article.
Rajshahi University Admission 2022-23 Glance:
প্রথম বর্ষ স্নাতক (সম্মান)/ স্নাতক ভর্তি পরীক্ষা ২০২২-২৩
বিভিন্ন পর্যায়ে চূড়ান্ত আবেদনের সময়সূচী– | |
প্রথম পর্যায়ঃ ০৯/০৪/২০২৩ তারিখ দুপুর ১২:০০টা হতে ১৫/০৪/২০২৩ তারিখ রাত ১১:৫৯টা | |
দ্বিতীয় পর্যায়ঃ ১৭/০৪/২০২৩ তারিখ দুপুর ১২:০০টা হতে ১৯/০৪/২০২৩ তারিখ রাত ১১:৫৯টা | |
তৃতীয় পর্যায়ঃ ২৬/০৪/২০২৩ তারিখ দুপুর ১২:০০টা হতে ২৯/০৪/২০২৩ তারিখ রাত ১১:৫৯টা | |
চর্তুথ পর্যায়ঃ ০১/০৫/২০২৩ তারিখ দুপুর ১২:০০টা হতে ০২/০৫/২০২৩ তারিখ রাত ১১:৫৯টা |
Eligibility For the Primary Application:
Humanities: Those who have passed SSC / Equivalent and HSC / Equivalent and also for the humanities group of students both academic qualification at least GPA 3.00 point out of 5.00 (separately) and total of 7.00.
Business Studies: SSC /Equivalent and HSC / Equivalent both examination at least GPA 3.50 out of 5.00 separately point and total of 7.50
Science: who have passed SSC/ Equivalent and HSC/Equivalent also every examinations get a GPA 3.50 out of 5.00 point and total of 8.00
RU Admission Test: RU Admission test will be held MCQ system in 100 number at time 1 hour. Every unit Admission test will have 80 questions. and 5 mistakes for 1 number cut. admission test Pass number 40.
Rajshahi University Admit Card 2023
RU seat plan has been published on their official website admission.ru.ac.bd. Candidates download the admit card from their official admission website from.
Rajshahi University Seat Plan and admit card: has been published yet on official website. Students through admission.ru.ac.bd is published seat plan very soon published.
Candidate seat plan with use to H.S.C (Roll, Board, Passing Year) and also S.S.C (Roll, Board, Passing Year). Candidate admit card save download 01 copies print.
This admit card published the exam after 4-5 days. Candidate admit card all information full details found here such as: Exam Location, Exam Schedule etc. This information found their official website: admission.ru.ac.bd and login with input your HSC and SSC Information.
Download Link> Admit Card
RU Admission Result 2023
Rajshahi University RU Admission result will be found on admission.ru.ac.bd website. Candidates can be download the result through admission website. From ru.ac.bd website to know that the result will be published.
So, students can download the result admission.ru.ac.bd by login. You can see the result. Rajshahi University Admission Result will be published very soon.
Candidates can be found RU Admission Result found through online. Those who participate in the admission test exam, they can wait for the admission result.
So, Candidates download the result ru.ac.bd website and also through our website download it for the academic session 2020-21.
The authority A, B and C unit wise results will be published step by step. Those candidates who participated in the admission test exam, They are waiting for the exam result.
RU Admission Result
Examiner very worried for the result (pass or fail). K Unit, E Unit, C Unit, A Unit, D Unit, J Unit result will be separately published. Students can be collect admission result through application.ru.ac.bd by login with SSC and HSC Information input.
Applicant can be admit card download from start date- 16 September 2021 to continue date 22 September 2021.RU Admission test will be held C Unit 4 October 2021, A Unit admission test date 5, Unit-B admission test 06 October 2021.
Rajshahi University Admit card has been announced their admission online portal website: admission.ru.ac.bd.
A Unit | B Unit | C Unit |
PDF Download | PDF Download | PDF Download |
Update News: A, B,C Unit Result will published
Rajshahi University exam schedule and seat plan has been published on their official website admission.ru.ac.bd and candidates participate in the admission test exam. C unit 33,447 candidates participated in the admission test exam.
How to Check Rajshahi University Admission Result?
Rajshahi University (RU) Admission Result download process is every easy. I am share proper step download process. Just, follow to below procedure:-
- Go to visit admission website- application.ru.ac.bd
- HSC and S.S.C Information (Roll, Board, Passing Year).
- Enter your correct Catcher
- Press the submit button
- You can see the result

Rajshahi University Admission Test Result
Rajshahi University Admission test Result has been published their admission portal website: admission.ru.ac.bd by login with input your H.S.C (Roll, Board, Passing Year) and also S.S.C (Roll, Board, Passing Year) exam result found RU admission notice board otherwise as well as our website visit to easily all information found. So connected our website every time.