Dhaka Board SSC Result 2023: Dhakaeducationboard.gov.bd and eboardresults.com official link released the SSC Result. From the database section all institutes are collected under Dhaka education Board.
The results are declared available online at 12:00 PM. If you detail the information marksheet with number wise of results 2023 can find Online and SMS Method.
If you want to know updated information of Dhaka Education Board Exam Result related then please access- dhakaeducationboard.gov.bd. A new notice is published and the date is fixed.
SSC examination was done. Now, at the knock in the door for the Result 2023. Those who students are good results, for them students open doors- scholarships, academic opportunity and career.
Do you want to download the result 2023 with a Marksheet including “Number”? Then going to visit to own board respective sites from the authority are including a number wise marksheet.
Everyone wants a good result. The good result opens the door to scholarship and academic opportunity with a career.
Table of Contents
Dhaka Board 2023 SSC Result
The authority for all update information is provided here. As well as easily know update information in this post. Dhaka Board Secondary School exams started on 30 April 2023. The exam ended on 23 May 2023 at exam time: 10.00 to 11.30.
The Education Minister Dr. Dipu Moni sent the result to the honorable Sheikh Hasina at 10:00 AM. On the day of publication, the secondary school certificate examination results are at 12:00 PM.
Now, most people ‘s popular questions in google, when the result will be published. The full marksheet quick ways download through eboardresults.com.
Generally, the result will be published within 2 Months. From the education board of Dhaka a huge number of students are attending the SSC Examination.
Instant Bangladesh education board of Secondary School result download from www.educationboardresults.gov.bd and eboardresults.com.
Including Dhaka education board students overall performance subject wise find out in eboardresults.com. Going to visit the official page and print their mark sheets for future reference.
Dhaka Board SSC Result
Bangladesh one of the largest boards is Dhaka Board. This board is located at Bakshibazar, Dhaka. Each year the institutes under Dhaka education board are coming out with reputed results.
the students find the result from web based results. https://eboardresults.com/v2/home SSC result with number wise can download from online.
Multiple sources know that secondary school certification – SSC Exam Result 2023 will be published. They are searching for the examination result’s published date. The students can download the result from an online system database
Dhaka Board 2023 SSC Result
The Dhaka Education Board is one of the Nine General education boards in Bangladesh responsible for conducting secondary and higher secondary examinations.
However, The Result 2023 of Bangladesh Education Board of Dhaka. To get SSC Result with marksheet, you can find two very popular alternative websites – eboardresults.com/v2/home and educationboardresults.gov.bd.
Education board two sites always provide secondary school certificate examination results. The students can know the result of alternative methods of SMS. All types of methods are given here, so that you can easily verify the result.
Bangladesh All Education Board, Dhaka Board SSC Result2023 is uploaded on their database website- dhakaeducationboard.gov.bd. Dhaka Education Board eboardresults.com is severely maintained by board authority.
web based result category:-
- SSC/Dakhil/Equivalent
- HSC/Alim/Equivalent
- DIBS (Diploma in Business Studies)
In addition, Web Based includes other education board results (Rajshahi, Comilla, Chittagong, Jessore, Barisal, Sylhet, Madrasha, Dinajpur, Technical) etc.
Whatever, through Online or Offline (SMS) can check the result. In December last week Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dhaka announced the SSC exam result.
Educationboardresults.Gov.BD Result 2023
The Dhaka Education Board is holding a public examination which is located in the bokshibazar office. Eboaresults.com is maintained under the Dhaka Board. Also these sites include Bangladesh All Board Education Results.
Those who are examiners have a common question: “SSC Result 2023”. The Bangladesh education board officially fixed the result. But, from the various forums we know that the result will be released.
But the idea is that the secondary school certificate- SSC Examination Result will be published. If you update information to know the results related to the education board official site or newspaper. As well as, easily you can update SSC exam related topics.
Dhakaeducationboard.gov.bd Result
Bangladesh Education Board- SSC Examination Result publication day is fixed from the homepage. But, the students ask how to know secondary school examination results.
The download and print out marksheet is from eboardresults.com official page. Down rules follow, they can know all necessary information and results relevant.

- http://www.educationboardresults.gov.bd/ web page landing.
- Your Examination Selected (Example: SSC)
- Board and Passing Year (Example: Dhaka and 2022).
- Enter your Roll and Reg. No (Follow admit card).
- Security Answer send (Enter the field).
- Hit the “Submit” option.
N:B: Ensure that you have Roll and Reg number and registration number
SSC Result 2023 by Eboardresults.com
Secondary school certificate (SSC) Examination: Totally 11 boards examination result can be known visiting Dhaka education board website portal. But, all board respective sites don’t collect the exam result.
Bangladesh education board & web based results are collected from all boards of result. Web based result site is a database maintained by the Dhaka board of authority.
The site offers all types of result such as- individual result, center result, district wise result, board wise result.
SSC Result 2023 will be found through the eboardresults.com website available. This server is fastest & education board others server. Anyone can check the result easily just according to the following procedure. Let’s go-
Individual Result
- Visit to educational website- eboardresults.com
- After a while you will be taken directly to the official page.
- Then, From Drop up Examination Select “SSC Result”
- Next, Passing Year, Board
- Then, Individual Result Choice
- Enter your Roll and Registration no (optional)
- Correct Answer (Security Key)
- Press the “Get Result” Option
- Correct information provided, you will be taken to the result dashboard.
Education Board Results “SSC Result Dhaka Board“
Educationboardreslts.com is the central platform where all education examination results of ssc level can be found. Easily can be checked the result via online.
- Go to visit- at www.educationboardresults.com.
- Select Examination Type: “SSC Examination” section.
- the next drop-down menu; select the examination year (e.g., “2023”).
- Choose Education Board: In the “Board” drop-down menu, select “Dhaka” as your education board.
- Enter Roll and Registration Number: Enter your SSC Roll Number in the “Roll” field and your Registration Number in the “Registration” field.
- Solve Security Key (e.g., 2 + 3 = ?)
- Click on “Submit” Button:
Institute SSC Result
Are you looking for secondary school certificate exam results by EIIN? then you can do it using the EIIN Number using.
Bangladesh education board: SSC Examination Result also downloaded by institute wise. If you want to view the result all students using EIIN number use.
It is a very simple process. so that you can download the school wise result PDF download. You can do it. To view web-based results by institute-wise, you can follow these general steps:
- Visit the official website- https://eboardresults.com/v2/home link.
- Look for a section or tab related to “SSC Results”
- Passing year selected.
- Then step, like “Institute wise” results.
- Input your EIIN Number”
- Fill the Capchar (in the box).
- Finally click the submit button.
Conclusion: if you have any report about “Dhaka Board SSC Result 2023” send to below remarks box. Our team is always active for the question answer feedback. At last, Thanks for the visiting on our web portal.