Are you eagerly waiting for your SSC Result 2023? The Secondary School Certificate (SSC) examinations by the ministry of education announce the result on 28 July 2023.
If you want to download the ssc exam result 2023. Then visit the Bangladesh education board official page and find out the result section.
Then, necessary information fills up (examination, roll, registration, passing) and downloads the SSC Result.
Table of Contents
SSC Result 2023
Looking for the result Bangladesh appeared for the examiner of all boards? On the same day & time are available SSC Result 2023. The students download the result online, sms, play store etc ways.
Secondary and higher secondary education board results are released on 28 July 2023. Online ways view the result at 12:00 PM. Many students aren’t satisfied with the checking grading system.
They want to download details of the ssc result number wise marksheet. The result find out by visiting the board’s respective website. However, these results are very important for the students.
SSC Result 2023 Marksheet With Number
Secondary school certificate- ssc exam results will be obtained after they are published by the education board. The ssc examination results are prepare. Now, in order by the education ministry dr. dipu moni available on the education board website.
The students know overall performance to know marksheet online ways visiting bangladesh education board website. The Marksheet displays you can show “subject-wise marks, grades, Grade Point Average (GPA)” obtained by the student.
When published the “SSC Exam Result 2023”
The students are eagerly waiting for the result with various forums to know when the ssc result is published. The newspaper, tv and online know that secondary school certificate- SSC Examination are declared on 28 July 2023.
The notices are also published on the Bangladesh All Education Board portal official site. Now, the students’ full marksheet download quick and easy ways visiting- or link.
But, all people can’t check the result because for the result checking they need roll, registration with board name. More details given below;-
How To See “SSC Results 2023”
The is the primary website and attractive for the students. most reliable platform for checking public exam results under the Education Board Bangladesh. students can quickly access their SSC result in a fast and free manner.
visiting the educationboardresults gov bd link provided Bangladesh all education board results. Without the trouble, the students easily view the SSC Result with user-friendly website structure.

- Open your web browser and official link visit- Educationboardresults Gov BD.
- Choose Examination Type ” Select “SSC/Equivalent” from the multiple options.
- you want to check the SSC result for examination 2023 then select “2023.”
- Pick Your Education Board choose “e;g: Dhaka.”
- Enter Roll and Registration Number in the designated fields
- Solve Security Key and input in the box.
- Review Your Information and Get Result
- Save or Print Your Result
SMS Process:
SSC Result 2023 Via SMS: The SMS method is a quick and convenient way to check the SSC result using a mobile phone.
Students need to send an SMS in a specific format to the designated number provided by the Education Board. You can download the result easily and quickly.
Dhaka Board 2023 SSC Result
The result is downloaded through Online Method: To check the Dhaka Board SSC result online, students need to visit the official website of Education Board Results (
Online Ways:
Then, they have to select the examination type as “SSC/HSC/JSC/Equivalent,” choose the examination year as “2023,” and pick the “Dhaka” Board from the list. After entering their Roll and Registration number, they can click on “Submit” to view their result.
SMS Method:
To check the Dhaka Board SSC result via SMS, students need to send an SMS in the format: SSC <Space> DHA <Space> Roll Number <Space> Exam Year to the designated number provided by the Education Board. They will receive their result through a text message.
Comilla Board SSC Marksheet
Similar to the Dhaka Board, students can check the Comilla Board SSC result online by visiting the Education Board Results website and following the same steps as mentioned above, but choosing “Comilla” as their Education Board.
SMS Method
To check the Comilla Board SSC result via SMS, students need to send an SMS in the format: SSC <Space> COM <Space> Roll Number <Space> Exam Year to the designated number provided by the Education Board.
Madrasah Education Board (Dakhil) Result:
Online Method: Students of Madrasah Education Board can check their Dakhil result on the official website of the Madrasah Education Board ( by entering their Roll and Registration number.
SMS Method: To check the Dakhil result via SMS, students need to send an SMS in the format: Dakhil <Space> MAD <Space> Roll Number <Space> Exam Year to the designated number provided by the Education Board.
Technical Education Board SSC Result
Online Method: Students of the Technical Education Board can check their SSC result on the official website of the Technical Education Board ( by entering their Roll and Registration number.
SMS Method:
To check the SSC result for the Technical Education Board via SMS, students need to send an SMS in the format: SSC <Space> TEC <Space> Roll Number <Space> Exam Year to the designated number provided by the Education Board.
Jessore Board SSC Result:
Students of Jessore Board can check their SSC result on the official website of Education Board Results ( by following the same steps as mentioned above, but choosing “Jessore” as their Education Board.
SMS Method:
To check the Jessore Board SSC result via SMS, students need to send an SMS in the format: SSC <Space> JES <Space> Roll Number <Space> Exam Year to the designated number provided by the Education Board.
Chittagong Board SSC Result:
Students of Chittagong Board can check their SSC result on the official website of Education Board Results ( by selecting “Chittagong” as their Education Board after entering their Roll and Registration number.
SMS Method:
To check the Chittagong Board SSC result via SMS, students need to send an SMS in the format: SSC <Space> CHI <Space> Roll Number <Space> Exam Year to the designated number provided by the Education Board.
Rajshahi Board SSC Result
Students of Rajshahi Board can check their SSC result on the official website of Education Board Results ( by choosing “Rajshahi” as their Education Board and entering their Roll and Registration number.
SMS Method
To check the Rajshahi Board SSC result via SMS, students need to send an SMS in the format: SSC <Space> RAJ <Space> Roll Number <Space> Exam Year to the designated number provided by the Education Board.
Barisal Board SSC Result
The students can check their SSC result on the official website of Education Board Results ( by selecting “Barisal” as their Education Board and entering their Roll and Registration number.
SMS Process:
To check the Barisal Board SSC result via SMS, students need to send an SMS in the format: SSC <Space> BAR <Space> Roll Number <Space> Exam Year to the designated number provided by the Education Board.
Sylhet Board SSC Result:
Students of Sylhet Board can check their SSC result on the official website of Education Board Results ( by choosing “Sylhet” as their Education Board and entering their Roll and Registration number.
SMS Method
To check the Sylhet Board SSC result via SMS, students need to send an SMS in the format: SSC <Space> SYL <Space> Roll Number <Space> Exam Year to the designated number provided by the Education Board.
Dinajpur Board SSC Result
Students of Dinajpur Board can check their SSC result on the official website of Education Board Results ( by selecting “Dinajpur” as their Education Board and entering their Roll and Registration number.
SMS Method:
To check the Dinajpur Board SSC result via SMS, students need to send an SMS in the format: SSC <Space> DIN <Space> Roll Number <Space> Exam Year to the designated number provided by the Education Board.