SUST Admission Circular 2021 has been Published yet on sust admission portal website Shahjalal University of Science and Technology Admission Circular session 2020-21. If you want to know more than information then visit website as well as our website available.
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology admission circular will be published very soon. The authority will inform the application start and end date later through the admission website
Eligible students can apply online through with need SSC and HSC Information (Roll Registration No, Board, Passing) and Picture & Signature etc.
SUST Admission Circular 2021
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology admission circular has been published early. website is published. Only science group of students able to A and B unit application apply.
Economics (ECO) | 65 |
Sociology (SOC) | 65 |
Political Studies (PSS) | 65 |
Public Administration (PAD) | 65 |
Anthropology (ANP) | 65 |
Social Work (SCW) | 65 |
Business Administration (BUS) | 70 |
English (ENG) | 70 |

How to Apply SUST Admission?
After the application process start, Students to know that application process. It is very simple way. Just visit SUST Admission Website then follow to below procedure.
- go to the site and sign up
- GST Admission Roll and Mobile Number.
- Enter your USER ID & Password.
- Press the Sign in Button.
- Unit and Quota Select then own profile create.
- The, Pay the application fee.