Water Resources Planning Organization – Warpo Application Form and Warpo Job Circular 2022: Water Resources Planning Organization Job Circular has been published today. Those who want to apply, they are online application form submission start date: 04 April 2022 & closing date: February 16, 2022.
Warpo.teletalk.com.bd job teletalk application form submitted online and pay application fee before the application completes. All kinds of candidates’ application forms submit in case of eligibility. Warpo job circular related to get more information found their official website otherwise in our website available: www.jobnewsbd24.com
Water Resources Planning Organization empty of vacancy in case of the authority of new job circular has been published & sent to www.warpo.gov.bd.
Bangladesh Citizen candidates are invited for the post. Now, Candidates application form submits from their Teletalk server through- warpo.teletalk.com.bd. This server is already active.
Water Resources Planning Organization is a very popular & attractive job for the job founder in our country. The present government job is comfortable for the employee and highly career in better life and future for them.
Water Resources Planning Organization Job Circular
Recently Warpo has been published Warpo Job circular lot of vacancy with different category positions these are- Deputy Assistant Engineer / Cartographer, Accountant, Office Assistant Cum-Computer Operator, Office Assistant from by authority for all types of people employment or unemployment people in our country.
It is good news & opportunity for them. However, qualified & eligible applicants have to fill up an online application form fill up can through warpo.teletalk.com.bd web portal.
The Water Resources Planning Organization is a very interesting job circular for Bangladesh citizen people.
It is a blessing for job seekers. This type of job matches your aim. Then, I told you the following terms & conditions. Directly all details check these are information: academic qualification, age limit & other requirement information.
Warpo Job Circular 2022
Water Resources Planning Organization job circular notice sent to official page. If you think you are the right candidate for this type of job.
Eligible and interested candidates can take a look at the Warpo job circular. If you are an applicant then I told you right place this post can apply as soon as possible before it expires.
I suggest you should have all descriptions checked you can follow such as- Education Qualification, Age Limit, how to fill up an online application form fill up, Payment Process, other condition which is given below in the image file as well our website found it.
01. | Organization Name | : | Water Resources Planning Organization |
02. | Short Code | : | Warpo |
03. | Type | : | Government Jobs |
04. | Job Type | : | Full Time |
05. | Age limit | : | 18-30 Years |
06. | Educational Qualification | : | Mention Image File |
07. | Salary | : | According to the government budget |
08. | Total Position | : | 2 |
09. | Application Process | : | On based Online Application System. |
10. | Payment Fee Process | : | By Teletalk |
11. | Application fee | : | Image file follow |
Position & Vacancy
- Executive Engineer
- Assistant Engineer
Total Vacancy: 21
- Application Open Date: April 04, 2022
- Closing Date: April 24, 2022
- Official website: www.warpo.gov.bd
Apply Link- warpo.teletalk.com.bd

Payment Process
Candidates successfully submit your application before you should recheck your application form because if you submit the application fee then, there will be no chance of correction. However, you have to complete the application process to get a USER ID that needs to pay the application fee. Application fee must be paid otherwise the application will be rejected.
After applying the application form should be paid Application fees within 72 hours. The application fee must be paid through Teletalk SIM. So, check your balance; According to the circular, there must be a sufficient amount of balance. Now, follow the How to pay application fee process that below instructions & guidelines for you. So, follow the below instruction:
First Message (1st Step)
- Go to the Message Option your mobile, Modem or Others devices
- Create a New Message
- Write Warpo < space > User ID
- Example: Warpo ABCDEF & Send to it 16222
- After sending the first SMS you will receive a PIN number. You also see a pin number with name, position with amount.
- Then, Pin number using follow to 2nd Message
Second SMS (2nd Step)
- Write Warpo <space> yes <pin number>
- Example: Warpo yes 123456 & Send to it 16222
After successfully sending the message, you receive a congratulation message from the authority. There you can display User ID & Password if needed for the future. You should keep a User Id & Password note because it can delete the message for different reasons which can cause a lot of suffering. This User ID & Password used for admit card download later.
User ID & Password Recover
Many candidates for various reasons lost their user id & password. For them to know it is a very important topic. Do not worry. It is very simple to recover User & Password. Just follow the instructions below. I am sure you can do it. So, follow to below guideline:
Recover User ID:
- Go to the visit their official page: warpo.teletalk.com.bd
- From Menu Bar “Recover User Id” Option Click.
- Write your necessary information (Name, Father’s Name, Mobile No) (Which have been used application time same information type)
- If you provide the correct Information provide you will be able to see your USER ID.
Recover Password:
- Go to the visit their official page: warpo.teletalk.com.bd
- Password Recover Option Click
- Write User ID & Mobile Number in correct field (if you can follow application copy)
- If the correct Information is provided. You will be able to display Password.
Conclusion: You can report the Warpo job circular related to any question below the comment box to know. We try to provide answers for your question.
Every time I connect to our website because Google updates all kinds of jobs as soon as possible, these are- (Government , Bank, Private, Ngo) job circular also provide admit card & exam result.