SSC Exam Result 2023: Secondary School Certificate/Equivalent Exam of Result will be released. The result can be viewed Online or SMS Systems, Play Store. To get the result with roll and registration number needed.
If you are SSC Examiner of 2023 then you are landing a proper web page. Here, you know all the information regarding Result 2023 related information. Many several ways download the education board marksheet 2023 download.
The secondary school certificate is significant in the academic journey of students. The checking methods are best for you.
It saves time. From anywhere access to the official page and download the result. Involvement of secondary level students are wanted: when the result will be outdated?
Examination Name | : | Secondary School Certificate |
Short Code | : | SSC |
Exam Start Date | : | 30th April, 2023 |
End Date | : | 23rd May 2023 |
Published Date | : | 28 July 2023 |
Official Link | : | |
Table of Contents
SSC Result
The result is released grade point average (GPA) with letter grade based on their marks obtained in each subject is published on the board ‘s official site.
The students are linked to an online procedure: here the subject with a number wise full marksheet found by an online database which includes to get your own board respective site
In this post, you will know the SSC result 2023 related information such as- when SSC result published date & time, how to check the result, Marksheet with number and exam related valuable data found here.
Drive It:
- SSC Result
- SSC Exam Result
- SSC Exam Result 2023 Kobe Dibe
- How to Check SSC Result 2023
- SSC Marksheet 2023 (Web Based Results)
- SSC Result 2023 By Android App
SSC Exam Result 2023
The students are able to download the full marksheet number wise from “”. SSC/Equivalent exam results 2023 may be published from the official link.
But, if you don’t know any idea How to SSC Marksheet 2023 with number details information are included here, follow to read the full article.
Total 11 board consists of the Bangladesh Education Board. Students are counting the days for the results to be released. The Exam Management Committee decided that the SSC Examination Result 2023 will be declared on 28 July 2023. government website will release the result very soon. If you look at the previous year then within 2-3 months SSC Exam Result will be the publication of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Bangladesh.
SSC Result 2023 Bangladesh
The online system offers SSC examination results from education board results access to view the result. The authority’s SSC Exam Result 2023 was announced officially online after 12:00 PM (28 July 2023).
Now the results are available. The results are calculated based on the marks with gpa obtained in each subject. you can able to the result online system own respective site or visit to directly own school notice board can be found the result.
Web based result platform visit to easy access to download the SSC Examination result 2023. This site includes all education board results such as- Dhaka Education Board, Rajshahi Education Board, Chittagong Education Board, and more.
Latest News: এস.এস.সি পরীক্ষার ফলাফল খুবই শ্রীঘ্রই দেওয়া হবে। আমাদের সাথেই থাকুন।
SSC 2023 Marksheet
SSC/Vocational/Madrasha all education boards of SSC level can now access Bangladesh education result site with roll and registration number enter download the result. How to fast way result download procedures are included here. Follow to under instruction:-
After the arrival of Sheikh Hasina from abroad, Education Minister Dipu Moni will hand over the SSC results to the Prime Minister. Students can find SSC exam results from the All Educational Board with a marksheet.
All students are an important part of the life secondary school examination final result 2023. It is the first stage of your aim successfully. In addition, SSC Exam Result Related valuable information found on our website.
1. SSC 23 Exam Result
The result will be published by the Board of Secondary Education All Board Examination Result similarly. The students visit their own board’s respective site and download the result.
Examiners can download mark sheets with grades online. Bangladesh All Education Board Exam Result has been check or site available.
Education Minister Dr. Dipu Moni all education board results were published on the same day after 12.00 pm. and website is published marksheet and grade system result.
2. SSC Exam 2023 Bangladesh
Bangladesh education board examination results will be published soon. The students are very worried about the result. Don’t worry. If you take good preparation for the exam,
They absolutely have very good results in SSC. The examination result is an important part of life. So, those students who prepare well, they can get good results on the SSC examination
If any students aren’t satisfied with the result then your should board challenge application. You are able to apply within the specific time.
3. SSC Exam 2023 Result Published
Bangladesh secondary examinations have a lot of students from different boards. The results are available from 28 July 2023 (Friday). Among them very popular websites are- and website is published SSC Result 2023. SSC results are an important part for everyone.
If we consider the previous result then, we can see that the exam’s last date to get the result is 60 days. The Dipu Moni Press conference said SSC or Equivalent results will be published in July 2023 (28).
Bangladesh education board SSC Examination 2023 results are declared from education board results and web based results web portal site. Online, SMS, Apps through ways you can find the result.
It is easy to get your results. To get your result sheet download here to know your result to see subject wise and full marksheet. Through this website all education board results are available.
4. How to View “SSC Exam Result 2023”
Some students don’t have basic knowledge on “how to get the SSC Exam Result” download procedure. For them students below heading are helpful, we try all details information are mentioned here, so that you can easily download the SSC Result 2023 from the online system.
To get the result from the education board official website: and multiple sites are active to verify the result. So, Lets go to follow:
Education Board Results – SSC Exam Result 2023
All category results are collected of “JSC, SSC, HSC” level of the exam in this site. Simply information fill up, you can download the SSC Result form online.
The students can download Bangladesh all boards of result with grade wise can be verified from site. Follow to under instruction that you help to get the result.
- First, Select of Examination (S.S.C)
- Then, drop-down selected Passing Year (2023)
- Select of Your Education Board (Example: Dhaka)
- Enter Your 6 digit Roll no (123546)
- Enter Your Registration No (1410225542)
- Input to Security Question Answer (5+4=9)
- Then, Click the Submit button
If you give the correct information you will be able to the see your results.

Grading System
Number | Grade Letter | Point |
80-100 | A+ | 5 |
70-79 | A | 4 |
60-69 | A- | 3.5 |
50-59 | B | 3 |
40-49 | C | 2 |
33-39 | D | 1 |
0-32 | F | 0 |
5. SSC Exam Marksheet 2023 (Web Based Results)
The website maintenance system is friendly for everyone. Whatever, most people don’t know basic knowledge of how to download and verify systems. They can follow down rules, here all details information are input so that you can easily download the result.
- website access.
- any education board results can be known such as: institute results, district wise result and board wise results.
- All education board Marksheet available here. Another advantage is that you can get result with the roll number.
- Without Registration number to get your results. However, how to check your result through eboardresults? So, Lets go to follow:
Individual Result
You can download the result individually by visiting If you want to know the result then you need a roll, registration number.
- 1st, Select the types of Examination (S.S.C)
- Then, Select the Passing Year (2023)
- Select of Your Education Board (Example: Dhaka)
- Select Result type (Individual Result)
- Input Your 6 digit Roll no (123546)
- Input Your Registration No (1410225542)
- Input to Security key (ABDCND)
- Then, Click the Submit button
- If you give the correct information you will be able to the see your results.

Institute 2023 SSC Exam Result:
Bangladesh all education boards 2023 of SSC Examination are uploaded from an online system own respective institute result. The students/guardian/others people EIIN number enter download the institute result from online.
- Access to web based result site-
- Selected the Examination (SSC)
- Year, Board Selected.
- “Institution Result” selected.
- Now, enter EIIN Number.
- Security Key Input (4 digit).
- “Get Result” click and download.
6. SSC Result 2023 By Android App
From the play store through apps downloading, you can view the result. It is an easy and simple process. Firstly, download the android mobile apps then open and input academic information to find the result.
You can know the secondary school certificate result by using an android mobile with internet connection. From the play store find out “Education Board Result” and install the software. If you have no idea then please follow the below procedure. You can do it. Just follow to Below instruction:-
- “Play Store” enter your mobile phone.
- “Find bar” Bangladesh Education Result
- Like any Software with install
- Then, Open the Software
- Like, The “SSC Results”
- Then, Passing Year & Board
- Like the Individual Result and enter your Roll and Registration No
- Write Security Code
- Click to Get Result Option.
7. Dhaka Board SSC Exam Result 2023
The SSC Result (Dhaka Education Board) will be updated at 28 July 2023. web based results is website create the Dhaka Board Authority.
SSC results can thought from Online and SMS. To get the result website from To details result form Dhaka University official Website. Visit to and get your result.
SSC Result 2023 Through SMS
Many of students known how to SSC result via SMS? You can see SSC or Equivalent results known thought SMS. SMS sent form any operator (Banglalink, Grameenphone, Airtel, Robi & Teletalk) and SMS Charge is 2.44 BDT. So, Follow to below instruction:-
- First go to your Mobile Message Option
- Creae a New Message
- Then, Types, SSC <> First 3 Letter of Dhaka Board <> You 6 digit Roll No <> Passing Year
- Example: SSC DHA 123564 2023 sent to 16222
8. Barishal Board SSC Result 2023
Secondary School Certificate- SSC Exam Result of Education Board of Barisal is fixed July 2023. All the Examiners have successfully completed all subjects of the exam. Now, they are looking for the exam date and time. Good News: in the short time SSC Result will be published. Our website you can see the fast and easy way.
Secondary School is one of the biggest education sectors in Bangladesh at the Barisal Board. Every year a large number of students pass the Barisal Board. This year the pass rate will be high. SSC results are important for the life of every student. Because based on this result, his life goal depends.
- How to Download Barishal Board SSC Result provides all types of students’ results from an online database system. The students are permitted to enter the result roll and registration number. Today, we have detailed information explaining how to download the barisal board results online.
- website access.
- Like the section of results.
- Examination selected, board and passing year.
- Then, roll and registration number enter.
- Your window shows the result.
SSC Exam Result 2023 SMS System
Those users can’t get the result online. In this situation, the students are worried about the result checking. So, alternative options are active offline systems (SMS). the students can view the result by sending mobile sms.
Following some of the rules, you can get the result within 2 minutes. SMS sent from any operator (Banglalink, Teletalk, Grameenphone, Airtel and Robi) and SMS Charge is 2.44 BDT.
- Enter “Message” of your phone
- New Message like.
- Types the rules (SSC<SPACE>3 Letter of Board<>You 6 digit Roll No<> Passing Year
- Example: SSC BAR 123564 2023 and sent to 16222
10. SSC Result 2023: Mymensingh Board
Secondary Education Mymensingh of board Exam Result is published on the education board official website- www.mymensingh board gov bd. Those who are mymensingh board of students, they can get detailed information number wise marksheet from www.mymensingh board gov bd.
Also the students can know the result directly from their own institute after the 12:00 PM notice board. In addition, sitting at home, access to Bangladesh Education Board official Site can know the result and board rules of sms follow you can know the result. All details information are including under below:-
Online Procedure:
- access.
- Above category section like result, where two categories result choose any “public result and institute result).
- Access to educational board official site-
- Step by step like (Examination, Board, Passing Year) selected.
- Then, roll and registration number enter the field.
- Click the “Submit” option.
11. “SSC Result 2023” Comilla Board
On July 2023_the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Comilla Board will be released at 10:00 PM. online available at the result 12:00 PM from respective sites. result section database section is uploading the result.
Prof Tapan Kumar Sarker said to start to know that the secondary certificate examination result has been published soon. The students are allowed to enter the result checking roll and registration number.
- Directly access- Comilla Education Board:
- Choice the section of “Result”
- Passing Year, Board, Examination Selected.
- Registration and Roll Number required enter the corrected field.
- “Submit” click and get the result.
12. Result SSC Exam 2023: Jessore Board
New declaration for the result: recently notice is uploaded on board official site ssc result 2023 is published soon. The results were sent to prime minister Sheikh Hasina at 1:00 PM.
The students download the secondary school certificate- SSC Exam result 2023 can view their own board respective site- site access. For the result viewing internet connection or offline method (mobile sms).
How to SSC Exam Result Download Online Procedure:
- Like any browser with net tap write keyword:
- Some times wait your screen show “Jessore official page page”
- Then, menu bar like “Result” option.
- The site suggest like any option- and
- Examination selected, board, passing year provide download the result.
13. Technical Board “SSC Exam Result 2023“
The Board of Technical Education of Bangladesh is working together in all fields in coordination with Madrasha and the General Board. The secondary school certificate- SSC Examination will be held at the same time and day.
Surely, you are think when “ssc examination result” publication date and time. Bangladesh all education boards declared the result at 1:00 PM on July 2023. result procedure:
Bangladesh Education of Technical – BTEB exam results 2023 are confirmed in July 2023. By Internet browsing, the students are finding the result.
However, viewing the result downloads from online and SMS Systems From Online Database System. Down rules are right method. Follow it:
- Bangladesh technical board official site visit-
- From above section click to hyperlink to “result”
- Like your category “SSC Level Result”
- Roll and Registration number provided with requirement information selected.
- Capchar fill up and click the Submit option.
SMS Method Technical Board SSC Result
To check the Technical Board SSC Result via Message By Mobile Phone, follow these steps:
- Create a new message (any mobile phone).
- Checking method and types SSC <Space> Board Name <Space> Roll <Space> Passing Year
- Send the SMS- 16222 Number.
- Wait for a Confirmation Message.
- Save the message or take a screenshot of the result for future reference.
Dakhil Result 2023
The students download the Madasha Secondary school certificate dakhil exam result in various ways. But, for the download the result needs your roll and registration number.
If you want to Download the full marksheet with numbers then follow to Additionally, you can find out the result through link.
For College admission, scholarships and job opportunities, these results are very effective. A good Technical Board SSC Result enhances students’ chances of securing admission to reputable technical institutes and qualifying for scholarships that support their educational aspirations.
Question and Answer:-
At the knock on the door; secondary school certificate 2023 examination result publication date. Bangladesh education board (SSC Exam Result) related many questions found in the google search. So that it is easy to know your question with answers included in this section.
Answer: On 28 July 2023 will be published Bangladesh Education Board Result of SSC.
Answer: two processes Online and SMS system are allowed.
Answer: if you want to message any operator prepaid sim. But, Teletalk sim are perfect, networking systems are strong, the result will be quick by Teletalk prepaid sim.
Answer: The per message SMS 2.55 BDT.
Answer: after the message is sent, the return message will be received within 2 minutes.
Answer: the secondary school certificate- SSC result with marksheet can found only online system with number wise.
Answer: All students can view the result with a number wise marksheet, own board respective site.
Answer: If you have an idea, according to the test you did not get the expected result. Then, for the khata review, you are able to submit an application, some of the rules follow with a fee.